Outdoor Movie Nights are taking over the Owen Sound Farmers’ Market on Thursday nights in August with free family-friendly movies. Each movie night will be accompanied by a unique theme.
August 12 is free ice cream and cardboard box night where kids are urged to decorate a cardboard box to view the movie from, with prizes awarded for creativity.
August 19 night features an opportunity for kids to wear their favorite pair of pyjamas and enjoy a free slice of pizza watching the movie.
August 26 is superhero night where kids can dress as their favorite superhero and join us for free snacks and a movie.
One lucky family will be chosen each night to relax in an outdoor lounge set showcased as the ‘best seats in the house’. For details and to enter the contest find us at Tourism, Events, and Attractions Facebook Page or Movie Nights. The contest closes Monday, August 9 with movie titles being released on Tuesday, August 10.
Grab your lawn chair, blanket and join us for an outdoor movie with your family at the Owen Sound Farmer’s Market. Seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. The site opens at 7:30 p.m. with movies starting after sunset.
Event attendees who are not seated with members of their household and unable to maintain two metres of physical distancing are strongly encouraged to wear a mask or face covering in a manner that covers their mouth, nose and chin.
source: media release