The Grey Sauble Conservation Authority (GSCA) will be asking Owen Sound Council on Monday to support their request to have flood-related funding - cut by 50% by the provincial government - restored.
Conservation Authorities (CAs) predict water levels and peaks, considering flood plains, expected storms, snow depth and temperature, river levels and soil saturation. They keep Municipal Leaders, Fire Chiefs, Forepersons, Emergency Management Coordinators and Roads Superintendents informed of risks. CAs support studies such as whether municipal infrastructure has capacity for storms, and emergency routes Anyone can check near real-time monitoring information at greysauble.on.cain flood scenarios.
Anyone, in fact, can check near real-time monitoring information at
GSCA flood-prediction funding has been about $72K since 1996, and these amounts just received a 50% cut. The GSCA department that looks after this is essentially one person. GSCA has recognized the need to ADD a water scientist or engineer to support timely development decisions and update many 1980 and 1990 studies.
The GSCA is also asking the City to give input into recent changes to regulations and proposed legislation that may affect both the Authority's ability to fulfill its responsibilities, and additional costs for the municipal taxpayer.
The full deputation by Tim Lanthier, Lands and Habitat Coordinator and John Bittorf, Water Resources Coordinator, Grey Sauble Conservation Authority is available here.