


cygnet- by Karen Fran

I'm very sad to have to report that the injuries were fatal to the cygnet.

We don't know what caused it but he had a wound to his abdomen that I knew was critical, and was worried it would be fatal but wanted to get it to the veterinary team ...

AnnMarieRowland leadinYou have a lunch date!

Join AnnMarie Rowland for a fabulous opening concert for the 28th annual summer noon-hour series tomorrow at Georgian Shores United Church ...

BWDSB leadin inspiration 1514296 1920At the regular meeting of the board on Tuesday, June 20, Bluewater District School Board recognized those who received provincial and national awards over the past year.

The recipients were celebrated for excellence in several categories, including science, mathematics, athletics, and the skilled trades, among others ...

ArnottGeneralStore GreyRoots 30Jun23 leadinA brand new store in the Owen Sound opened its doors with a larger-than-life ribbon cutting, cake with blue icing, a jostling line-up – and absolutely nothing for sale but history, nostalgia, and charm.

Arnott General Store is the latest addition to the Moreston Heritage Village at Grey Roots Museum, the first new building at the county-owned and operated site since the one-room schoolhouse opened Canada Day in 2010 ...


Early in the week, I realized that the county disc mower that trims the growth along the side of the road had not come by yet this year.

The chicory started to flower. We won’t get the full blue effect right now because the cutter came.

But chicory is a sign of the resilience of nature: it will grow back ...


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