


geo college graduationOn Thursday, June 15, approximately 179 students are eligible to graduate from 23 programs at the Owen Sound Campus. Friends and family members will also attend as guests, making this one of the most meaningful times of the Georgian College academic...

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- by Darrell Watson

If you're driving down the highway, and you get behind a motorcycle and the rider of said motorcycle speeds up and pulls away from you he or she IS NOT wanting to play "tag" or "catch the mouse" with you.

He or she is wanting that...

thebike-by David A. Robinson (catch up with Chapter I and Chapter II)

My strategy for cities, like Montréal, is to camp on the outskirts the night before, then tour through the whole place, making it clear away on the far side to camp, and thereby avoid the seduction of paying for, say, a room in the Latin Quarter, or some kind of...

Bluewater Logo-fullBluewater District School Board is accepting registrations from Grade 7 to 12 students wishing to enrol in the summer school program, which will run from July 4 to August 8, 2017 at Hillcrest Elementary School in Owen Sound.

In addition to recovering a lost credit, many secondary students enrol in summer school for a cooperative education experience or...

between-our-steps-06-07-17-doubleAncient Jerusalem was a busy cosmopolitan city. People from all over the Mediterranean passed through, and many would travel to the temple for festivals. The year Jesus died, at the festival of Shavuot or Pentecost, a record reports that there were people from Rome, Libya, Egypt, Mesopotamia, all the regions of Asia Minor (now Turkey), and Crete. With all ...


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