


health pilotGrey County is participating in another innovative healthcare pilot aiming to improve community health. The Community Health Assessment Program through Emergency Medical Services (CHAP-EMS) will find out if health monitoring and education can improve tenant health and  reduce 911 calls to social housing buildings.

"By proactively diagnosing and monitoring health risks like high blood pressure and diabetes, we hope to improve the overall health of tenants living in our buildings and reduce the number of emergency calls", said Mike Muir, Grey County Director of Paramedic Services.

Two Grey County housing complexes are participating. Tenants of Mill Road Apartments and Parkway Apartments in Owen Sound can attend the free walk-in clinics held regularly in the common area of Parkway. A Grey County Paramedic will examine each patient to monitor known health issues and risks such as diabetes and high blood pressure. The first two clinics will take place on Tuesday, October 18, and Thursday October 20 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.

"Grey County Housing staff are actively encouraging tenants to join in the program," said Anne Marie Shaw, Director of Housing. "We've heard a lot of positive comments. Tenants are excited to participate and look forward to learning better ways to look after their own health and the health of their loved ones."

McMaster University is leading the study in Ontario. Locally, the pilot program is a joint effort between Grey County's Paramedic Services and Social Services departments and Grey Bruce Health Links.

About the Clinics

The free clinics will focus on cardiovascular, diabetes and fall risk assessmentsClinics are free to all residents of Mill Road Apartments and Parkway Apartments, regardless of age. Clinics will be held on a regular basis in the common areas of each building.Patients results can be shared with primary care providers, with consent.

source: media release, County of Grey


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