


owen-sound-city-transit-fullAnyone wanting to learn more about Georgian College – and many other Ontario Colleges – will want to check out the College Information Program tour, which rolls into the Owen Sound Georgian campus on Thursday, Oct. 27. The event offers the opportunity to meet with college representatives from across Ontario and get information to help make decisions about postsecondary education. Admission is free.

Participants can:

· learn about all kinds of careers and the programs that lead to them

· discover unique programs only offered at Ontario's colleges

· learn about pathways between college and university

· get information on how and when to apply

· ask questions about campus life, housing and student services

· get advice on how to pay for college education

Event time and location:

Owen Sound Campus

1450 8th St. E., Owen Sound
6 to 8 p.m.

A dedicated evening bus service will circulate around the city to transport students and community members to and from the event. The circuit runs from the Owen Sound Campus to Metro supermarket (downtown east side) to Foodland supermarket (top of the west hill) to city parking lot five behind Scotiabank (west side) and back to Georgian College.

source: media release, Georgian College


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