


fruits-and-veggiesEighty-eight per cent of local survey respondents would like to see more healthy food and drink options in Grey Bruce recreation spaces such as arenas, ball diamonds, community centres and sports fields. Moreover, 85 per cent indicated they would buy the same amount or more if healthy options were offered. More than 700 residents responded to the survey across Grey Bruce last June as part of a Grey Bruce Action Plan to support healthy food choices and tap water in municipal recreation facilities.

"As a family we visit recreational spaces as part of the healthy lifestyle. It would be great if the food options complemented that" commented one survey respondent. Another shared "Children should be visiting these spaces to learn about healthy lifestyles, not be bombarded by junk food. I don't want my kids expecting an unhealthy snack after each healthy activity."

"The support is overwhelming" says Health Promoter Jason Weppler. "We are working with our municipal recreation partners to look at offering healthier choices. This is not about removing the unhealthy choices but rather adding additional healthy options. These results show that the public is ready and willing to support these changes."

Other areas identified for moving forward include: sharing the findings with municipal staff and elected officials, reviewing existing vending and food service contracts, installation of a water bottle refill station and inclusion of at least one new healthy food choice at each concession stand.

For the full report: Grey Bruce Recreational Space Food and Drink Survey Report

source: media release, Grey Bruce Health Unit


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