


drink-opp-fullGrey County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is asking motorists to act responsibly this holiday season in that, if you plan to drink .... don't plan to drive! There is no safe level of alcohol consumption when you decide to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Make arrangements for a safe ride home, whether it's a designated driver, taxi, or public transit. Better to be safe than sorry.

Grey County OPP will be on patrol and will be conducting Festive RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) spot checks throughout the area to ensure motorists are being safe and responsible.

Motorists are reminded that any amount of alcohol or drug can impair your ability to drive. If stopped by police, and you register a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) in the "warn" range of .05 to .08, you could face an immediate driver's licence suspension.

Should you register a "fail", you may be arrested for impaired driving and face penalties which include a 90 day driver's licence suspension, vehicle impoundment, and a court appearance.

Should you "refuse or fail" to provide a suitable sample of your breath when the demand is made of you by a police officer, you may face the same consequences and penalties as that of impaired driving.

Motorists and residents alike are urged to call 9-1-1 if they suspect someone is driving, or is about to drive, while impaired by alcohol or drug.

Grey County OPP wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.

source: media release, Grey County OPP


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