The Owen Sound Police Service's Criminal Investigation Branch is currently investigating an incident where an east side residence had a projectile shot through a front window, believed to have come from an unknown type of firearm.
The incident is believed to have occurred shortly after midnight on August 04th, though the incident was not reported to police until the following evening of August 04th. The residents of the home were present at the time of the incident, however no one was injured. At least one projectile was fired into the residence, through a window.
Investigators believethat the residence was not a random target, however investigators have not received co-operation from all witnesses within the residence. On August 5th, Owen Sound Police Forensic Identification Unit, with the assistance of the Ontario Provincial Police Forensic Identification Unit examined the scene for evidence, inside and outside of the residence. The investigation is continuing.
Any person with information regarding this incident is encouraged to contact the Criminal Investigation Branch of the Owen Sound Police Service or Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)