The Township of Georgian Bluffs is having an Open House to gather valuable community input for the comprehensive update of the Official Plan.
The Official Plan is the Township’s roadmap for guiding future growth, development, and land use in the community over the next twenty-five years. The Open House is scheduled to take place on September 21, 2023, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Shallow Lake Community Centre located at 550 Princess St (Highway 6), Shallow Lake.
The current Official Plan, which has been in effect since 2014, outlines the Township's goals, objectives, and policies for development and land use. This update aims to ensure that the Official Plan aligns with the evolving vision, goals, and objectives of the community, and incorporate any necessary changes to ensure compliance with provincial legislative and policy requirements.
This Open House provides an informal opportunity for residents, businesses, and stakeholders to take part in the Official Plan update. Topics of particular interest include housing, economic development, settlement areas, climate change, and community improvement planning.
For more information, or to get involved in the Official Plan update and Open House event, visit
source: media release