Sexual violence is a problem. One in six women and one in five men will experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetimes. Those experiences have serious and long lasting impacts but they are seldom acknowledged or discussed. Violence Prevention Grey Bruce is launching a social media campaign to change that. May is sexual assault prevention month and Violence Prevention Grey Bruce will release information every day until June to encourage the local conversation about sexual violence, how our community can respond, and what we can do to prevent it.
All of the information set for release comes from the STOP Sexual Violence survey that Violence Prevention Grey Bruce conducted between December and March. The 35 question survey received 345 responses from across Grey and Bruce counties and offers a wealth of local perspectives. Participants commented on everything from personal experiences of sexual assault and where they sought support afterwards to how well they think boys, girls, men, and women understand consent. The survey goal was to find out how well Grey and Bruce are educating about and responding to sexual violence.
Violence Prevention Grey Bruce has conducted several surveys about domestic violence over the last two decades but this is the first survey where men and women from the community could comment directly on local sexual violence issues and responses. Although the findings of previous surveys were published as community report cards, the committee wanted the 2018 findings to engage people as widely as possible and chose social media as the platform. A new finding will be posted on Violence Prevention Grey Bruce's social media accounts and website each day to encourage community awareness and dialog.
"We hope that people across Grey and Bruce will share the posts widely," said committee coordinator Jon Farmer. "The more we can raise awareness about what sexual violence and consent are, the more likely people will be to recognize what is unacceptable and to access local services if they've experienced or caused sexual violence. Survey participants were blunt and insightful. They know what we need and now it's up to us to spread the message".
The posts will follow weekly themes including defining sexual violence and consent, challenging misconceptions, talking about what's working, and exploring ways to expand the conversation. You can learn more about the STOP Sexual Violence survey and social media campaign by visiting and following Violence Prevention Grey Bruce on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Violence Prevention Grey Bruce is our local Domestic Violence Community Coordinating Committee. It serves as a monthly round table and coordinating body where local service providers, organizations, and individuals can examine and collaboratively address violence in the twin counties.
Source: Media Release