


meaford logoWe are continuing to adapt to our changing circumstances as we move towards our new normal. Your Council is here for you – we’ve had our first digital council meeting, and will continue to meet as needed to guide our community forward. Thank you to everyone who has been following the directives of the Minister of Health, practicing social distancing, washing your hands, and staying home.

As we head in to the first long weekend of spring, our celebrations will be looking very different this year. Instead of the traditional religious celebrations, big family dinners, and the fun of Easter egg hunts, we’ll be staying home and connecting with our loved ones and extended family through phone calls and video chats. While the empty streets and playgrounds may seem extra quiet on this long weekend, in the silence there is an expression of caring. We are all doing what we can to keep our family, friends, and neighbours safe. Our efforts are an act of solidarity against a threat we cannot see, and we’re all working together for the sake of not just ourselves, but our whole community.

Other expressions of caring are happening all across Meaford. Decorated windows and painted rocks are popping up in unexpected nooks and crannies in our neighbourhoods, which when discovered brighten someone’s day and puts a smile on their face.

Earlier this week you may have been aware of lights flashing and horns blaring as the Meaford Fire Department, Grey County Paramedics, and the Town of Blue Mountains Fire Department paraded past the Meaford Hospital and Long Term Care Home in a show of support. There is also a movement you can join to show support to healthcare workers by making noise, banging pots, and honking horns at 7:30 each evening, so feel free to join in and make some noise for healthcare workers. The Meaford Hospital Foundation is also seeking donations to support their team, and donors are receiving lawn signs showing support for our healthcare providers and all frontline workers.

These uplifting efforts are helping us all get through this difficult time. I encourage everyone to take part in your own special way. Please share your stories of kindness at, and join me in saying thank you to all those providing services on the front line, as well as all those who are helping lift our spirits. You can find some inspiring ideas on the Meaford CareMongering Facebook page.

I wish everyone a healthy and happy Easter weekend. Please share your stories with us of the virtual family gatherings, traditional dinners, and meaningful family time shared in unusual ways this year. I urge you to continue to stay strong, resilient, and caring, and to know that complying with the precautions of handwashing, social distancing, and staying home will help control the community spread of this virus – It’s the right thing to do for our community. Happy Easter Everyone!

Mayor Barb Clumpus
Municipality of Meaford


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