


Larry-Miller-featureWith regard to the recent federal court decision concerning the wearing of the niqab during the Canadian citizenship oath, Minister Alexander has stated "The government of Canada will seek leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada in the Ishaq case."

I support this position. If you would like further information on the government position, please contact the office of Minister Alexander.

Thank you.

Larry Miller
Conservative Candidate
Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound


niqab-feature-by Curtis Healy

Face Coverings are not a security issue. If we cannot adapt to the idea that woman have and are entitled to their own comfort associated with their own bodies then our belief system is a myth- because it can't respect a woman's differences in intimacy, out of another culture, in this case associated with her face. We are based on cultural tolerance, and our survival has been based on removing the need of assimilation under the fantasy of a so called 'national purity'. Insecurity causes impatience, and if we are impatient with women from elsewhere, we will do nothing but inspire bitterness for being Canadian, inspire insecurity at being Canadian, while they must take their time, as our new country-folk to ascertain their own level of comfort, with what can be, for someone who is not used to the so many options of expression Canada has, overwhelming. Give them time to understand themselves as they do, and they will most excellently use the time, as mature humans who understand themselves maturely, to make the best decisions for their comfort, and people being allowed to do that, simply spreads comfort to all persons. It's important to understand that women who wear face coverings are born Canadians,

votebutton-featureBy Jon Farmer
People keep telling me that if I want a government that will work for me, then I have to vote, mark my ballot and have my voice heard. I don't believe them.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe in voting but my votes rarely send a representative to Ottawa. The same is true for most Canadians. It's the fault of our first past the post electoral system. We all know how it works. Whichever candidate gets the highest percentage of votes wins and tows their party...

OwenSoundCourtHouse-reg-by Richard MacDonald

I have stated publicly at committee meetings that I thought the sale of the Courthouse to Southbridge rather than to the Tom Thomson Gallery was a terrible decision. That was when I thought the sale exceeded $200,000. Seeing the city sell the old Courthouse (the city's most historically important building) for $10 has not changed my opinion in the least.

There are two reasons why I think the decision is so poor.

First, in terms of heritage designation this is not a situation like the Queen's Hotel or Branningham Grove where the decision for council was whether to designate or not, and where they failed in both cases to protect the properties. The Courthouse has been designated under the Ontario Heritage Act since 1979. There is no decision required here or negotiating options. Under the Act, Council is obliged to protect all of the heritage attributes. They cannot bargain them away for what Council describes as "other considerations" and "significant financial impacts".

When Marg Gaviller asked her two questions on what Council was doing to protect the Courthouse...

Report Card-feature-by Jon Farmer

When the geese begin to flock and the earliest leaves change colour on the trees I always think of the first days of school. Some of my strongest memories involve carrying a full load of school supplies into new classrooms. Even in my mid-twenties, the start of September makes me think of school. As students of all ages head into their classrooms for another academic year, it's the perfect time to ask why we send them off and what we expect them to learn.

For most of my childhood the purpose of school seemed obvious. It never occurred to me that there would be any other option. I was there to learn and hang out with people. The success of my time at school was measured in grades on report cards and laughter on the playground. I was never one of the 'cool kids' and my jokes fell flat so I focused my school time on class work and grades. It took me years to realize that tests might not actually be the best measure of my worth as a person.


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