



- by Kaitlyn Neath

"Why are you here?"

"What is your message?"

I was interviewed at the protest this afternoon and I tried to reiterate that we were gathered today, despite the 3section33staying of the law that will cut the size of city council, to express our non-complacency with the bullying tactics of our current representatives.

We want Bill to know that if he is going to continue to speak up and support the provincial government when our rights are in jeopardy, that we will speak up too.

I am embarrassed that our MPP would rise in Queen's Park, as our representative, and confidently assert that the usage of section 33 is justifiable, in order to save taxpayer money. Human rights should not come with a price tag.

I know there were a few other reasons people chose to gather today, but I think most of us rallied together in frustration; frustration that our voices have received no acknowledgement or have not been heard.

2section33What good is a representative who only listens to the people during election time?

Who will keep this majority government in check?

The people will - the peaceful resistance.

So I think our message to Bill today is this:

The one-sided conversation is over.
When you rise, we rise.
When you speak up, we speak out.
You can expect some wear-and-tear on that plastic grass in front of your building.




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