


romance scamMany hearts are broken in the quest for love, leaving some people financially wounded. Romance scams cause victims severe financial loss and, due to the emotional impact and personal embarrassment, these crimes are not reported to...

opp-snow-featGrey County Ontario Provincial Police is reminding motorists to adjust their driving habits to the current winter road and weather conditions.

Winter driving is still here. Motorists should stay in control of their vehicle at...

opp-p0lice-july-featureAs a result of a death investigation from March 7, 2018, Ralph Henry Rudowski, 60-years-old, of South Bruce Peninsula was arrested and charged with second degree murder. The 61-year-old female victim who had been located at a residence on Division Street in Wiarton has been identified as Janice West of...

fentanyl womanThrough investigation, with co-operation from other policing agencies, Hanover Police investigators were able to identify the suspect as 31-year-old female, Saundra MacNeil, of No Fixed Address. On Thursday, February 22, 2018 Saundra MacNeil was arrested and has been remanded...

ice formationsGrey County Ontario Provincial Police urge the public to stay off the ice formations specifically those in Georgian Bay along Bayfield Street in the Municipality of Meaford.

This public safety warning is being issued after Grey County OPP recently received calls from concerned residents reporting that people were walking on the...


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