Multiple calls have come to the Owen Sound Police Service about suspects who have called our citizens representing themselves as the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
This is a well documented scam that impacts not only residents of our city, but citizens all over Canada. The callers will identify themselves as a representative of the CRA and will ask you to pay off debt that is allegedly owed to them. They may ask the caller to supply crucial information like a Social Insurance Number, credit card number or will pressure victims to purchase a common gift card online and to supply the information to them as debt reconciliation.
In previous years, Owen Sound residents have fallen victim to this scam. The callers persuade the unsuspecting victims to purchase iTunes cards at local businesses and to return home. Once the victim is home, the iTunes card number is given to the fraudsters on the telephone. With this ruse, the scammers instill fear in the victim and the belief that the police are going to arrest them because of monies that are owed to the CRA. The police will not be arresting you for monies owed to the CRA.
Vendors who sell common gift cards are asked to assist with crime prevention by being aware of the scam and to be alert with very large gift card purchases by customers.
We encourage residents to hang-up the phone immediately and report it to the government on their website or the Owen Sound Police at 519-376-1234
If you have been defrauded please contact your local police agency.
source: media release, OSPS