



The Owen Sound Police and Hate Crime & Extremism Investigative Team invite you to the Harmony Centre Tuesday, October 22 to learn about and discuss Hate Crimes, trends, symbols, reporting and how we can tackle these issues together.

Bring your questions and concerns for an evening of education, discussion and community.

The Hate Crime and Extremism Investigative Team (HCEIT) is a network of 15 police services funded by the Ministry of the Solicitor General. The speaker tonight  will be Kristen Little, HCEIT Analyst.

This team was created to provide specialized support to affiliated police services on matters regarding hate crime, criminal extremism and terrorism.

The Harmony Centre is at 890 4th Ave E. Doors open at 6:30 and the event will run from 7 until 8:30.

source: United Way Bruce Grey Facebook



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