Owen Sound Little Theatre (OSLT) presents The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, the powerful story of a gifted boy who solves a neighbourhood mystery, and in doing so has an adventure of self-discovery.
This production runs November 17,18,19,20 and 24,25,26,27 2021.
Support Your Artists, Support Your Gallery. The Tom Thomson Art Gallery announces Northern Lights Art Show & Sale, a fundraising initiative featuring artwork from 27 contemporary Ontario artists. This initiative not only showcases a broad range of talent, it also supports both the Gallery and the artists who contributed to the ...
Heartwood Concert Hall announced Tuesday that its Fall Concert Series of 11 shows beginning with the first one on ...
Are you a non-urban artist needing to connect?
Sparkin’ Art digital studio is back for a new term of workshops and studio creation, welcoming all ages to register and train with their latest roster of workshops and storytelling collaboration sessions. Sparkin’ Art 2.0 will connect artists from rural, remote, or isolated communities with their online programming to strengthen artists’ digital media creation skills and create lasting art using theatrical techniques, digital innovation, and meaningful storytelling. ...
Georgian Bay Concert Choir is pleased to announce the appointment of Norman Reintamm as its new Conductor and Music Director. Norman succeeds Dr. Regan MacNay, who is the Director of Choral Activities at Transylvania University in Lexington (Kentucky).
Georgian Bay Concert Choir is a 50-voice choral ensemble which was founded in 1972. It will be celebrating its 50th anniversary ...
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